Sunday, August 4, 2013

ZOOM! And there went July.....

Wow!  I haven't posted in a very long time!   July was just a crazy month.  My husband was out of the country for most of it and when the hubby's away Sandie will play.  And boy did I!  I am going to list the finished projects and throw in photos if I have them.

Painted the bedroom
Refinished the bedside tables
Painted the ceiling in the hallway, stairwell, and kitchen
Painted the kitchen, dining room, hallway and stairwell
Painted a cabinet for the dining room (photos to come soon)
Cleaned the carpets
Had a "Once Upon a Time" marathon with my 13 yr old (it's a tv show and we almost made it through the first season)
Painted a bookcase

Refinished the banister


Finished painting all the outdoor furniture

Turned 50
Just one of the fabulous gifts from my husband

My 13 yr old son bought me chocolate!
I had an awesome birthday and was quite spoiled by all of the gifts!  I also got to spend time with some amazing friends who I have not seen nearly enough of in the past couple of years.  That was really the highlight for me.

That's all I can think of right now.  I love how everything has turned out so I decided to keep going.  I've started to paint my living room and am working on a wine rack. More on that the next time.

As always, thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Whew, no wonder the month sped by - watch out for woman armed with paintbrush!! Your paintwork looks great. Glad you had a fabulous birthday!!!!!!!!!
